
The following terms and conditions shall be deemed accepted by the User upon using the website www.cancrietech.co.nz. We kindly ask you to carefully review them before accessing the services provided on this website.

The term "User" refers to any individual browsing the website. The term "Cancri eTech" pertains to Cancri e Technologies. The term "Website" denotes www.cancrietech.co.nz, which is owned and managed by Cancri e Technologies Limited.

By using the website, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the following terms and conditions governing your use of the website. Cancri eTech reserves the right to modify the Terms of Use at any time without prior notice. Different areas of the website may have specific terms of use posted, and in case of any conflict between the Terms of Use and the specific terms of use for a particular area, the latter shall prevail regarding your use of that area of the website.

Cancri eTech retains the right to terminate a User's access to the website at any time and for any reason. The provisions concerning the disclaimer of warranty, accuracy of information, and indemnification shall remain in effect even after such termination. Additionally, Cancri eTech may monitor access to the website to ensure compliance with the established terms and conditions.

All content available on this website is the sole and exclusive property of Cancri e Technologies Limited. The software, text, images, graphics, videos, and audio used on this website are owned by Cancri eTech. No material from this website shall be copied, altered, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted, posted, or distributed in any form without the prior written consent of Cancri eTech. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Unauthorised use of the materials appearing on this website may infringe upon copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws, and may result in both criminal and civil penalties. Cancri eTech is a registered trademark of Cancri e Technologies Limited. The use of this trademark in any manner without the prior written consent of Cancri e Technologies Limited is strictly prohibited.

Cancri eTech does not make any warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, those of suitability for commercial use and fit for a specific purpose, with respect to any information, data, statements, or products made available on the website.

The website, along with all its content, materials, information, software, products, and services, is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Cancri eTech explicitly denies any warranties, whether express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of marketability, suitability for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

Cancri eTech bears no liability for any harm caused to the User's computer system or loss of data resulting from the download of any content, materials, or information from the website. Cancri eTech retains the right to modify or terminate any element of its website, including its content or features, at any given time. Cancri eTech reserves the authority to amend the terms and conditions governing the use of the website at any given point in time. Such modifications will take effect immediately.

Respecting the User's privacy is of utmost significance to Cancri eTech. Any information provided by the User will not be disclosed to any external parties. Cancri eTech retains the privilege to utilise the information in order to offer the User a more tailored online experience.

Under no circumstances shall Cancri eTech be held liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct, incidental, or consequential damages, such as diminished earnings, disruptions to business operations, and data loss, arising from the use of or inability to use Cancri eTech's website, or any information provided on the website, or in connection with the products, or any claim based on errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the product or its interpretations.

The website provides links to websites and grants access to content, products, and services from third parties, including users, advertisers, affiliates, and sponsors of the website. You acknowledge that Cancri eTech holds no responsibility for the availability or content provided on third-party websites. We kindly request the User carefully review the policies published by other websites regarding privacy and other relevant topics prior to use. Cancri eTech bears no responsibility for third-party content accessible through the website, which includes opinions, advice, statements, and advertisements. The User assumes all risks associated with the utilization of such content. Cancri eTech shall not be held liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred by the User in their interactions with third parties.